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dsPIC33CK support

dsPIC33CK family is a new generation of 16 bits MCU with DSP accelerator. Architecture and peripherals are similar to dsPIC33CH, the dual core version.

A lot of peripherals (UART, Timer...) are not compatible with others dsPIC ranges. Full support of drivers may needs additional time.

This family have variations of flash memory, pin count and CAN FD for 5XX, 6XX and 7XX subfamilies.

Main features

Feature dsPIC33CK
Core 16 bits
Performance 100 DMIPS
Program memory 32kb - 1024kb
Data memory 8 - 96kb
Pins 28-100

Common devices

dsPIC33CK MC10X 3 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 1 4 1 4
dsPIC33CK MC50X 3 1 0 0 1 2 1 Fd 1 4 1 4 1 4
dsPIC33CK MP10X 3 1 0 0 2 3 0 2 4 2 8 1 4
dsPIC33CK MP20X 3 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 4 2 8 1 8
dsPIC33CK MP30X 3 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 4 3 8 1 8
dsPIC33CK MP40X 3 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 8 3 8 1 8
dsPIC33CK MP50X 3 1 0 0 3 3 1 Fd 2 4 2 8 1 8
dsPIC33CK MP60X 3 1 0 0 3 3 2 Fd 2 4 3 8 1 8
dsPIC33CK MP7XX 3 1 0 0 3 3 2 Fd 2 8 3 8 1 8

Devices list

104 devices on January 2023.

MC10X subfamily

Base device.

14 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK32MC102 36 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK64MC102 66 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK128MC102 134 kb 16 kb 28
dsPIC33CK256MC102 269 kb 33 kb 28
dsPIC33CK32MC103 36 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK64MC103 66 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK128MC103 134 kb 16 kb 40
dsPIC33CK256MC103 269 kb 33 kb 40
dsPIC33CK32MC105 36 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK64MC105 66 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK128MC105 134 kb 16 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MC105 269 kb 33 kb 48
dsPIC33CK128MC106 134 kb 16 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MC106 269 kb 33 kb 64

MC50X subfamily

Same functionalities of MC10X plus one CAN FD device.

8 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK128MC502 134 kb 16 kb 28
dsPIC33CK128MC503 134 kb 16 kb 40
dsPIC33CK128MC505 134 kb 16 kb 48
dsPIC33CK128MC506 134 kb 16 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MC502 269 kb 33 kb 28
dsPIC33CK256MC503 269 kb 33 kb 40
dsPIC33CK256MC505 269 kb 33 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MC506 269 kb 33 kb 64

MP10X subfamily

Same functionalities of MP10X with more peripherals (SPI, I2C, SENT).

6 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK32MP102 33 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK64MP102 66 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK32MP103 33 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK64MP103 66 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK32MP105 33 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK64MP105 66 kb 8 kb 48

MP20X subfamily

Same functionalities of MP10X with more peripherals (MCCP, I2C) and more analog inputs and functionalities.

19 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK32MP202 36 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK64MP202 66 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK128MP202 134 kb 16 kb 28
dsPIC33CK256MP202 269 kb 25 kb 28
dsPIC33CK32MP203 36 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK64MP203 66 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK128MP203 134 kb 16 kb 40
dsPIC33CK256MP203 269 kb 25 kb 40
dsPIC33CK32MP205 36 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK64MP205 66 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK128MP205 134 kb 16 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MP205 269 kb 25 kb 48
dsPIC33CK32MP206 36 kb 8 kb 64
dsPIC33CK64MP206 66 kb 8 kb 64
dsPIC33CK128MP206 134 kb 16 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MP206 269 kb 25 kb 64
dsPIC33CK64MP208 66 kb 8 kb 80
dsPIC33CK128MP208 134 kb 16 kb 80
dsPIC33CK256MP208 269 kb 25 kb 80

MP30X subfamily

Same functionalities of MP20X with an additional QEI.

6 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK256MP305 269 kb 61 kb 48
dsPIC33CK512MP305 540 kb 61 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MP306 269 kb 61 kb 64
dsPIC33CK512MP306 540 kb 61 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MP308 269 kb 61 kb 80
dsPIC33CK512MP308 540 kb 61 kb 80

MP40X subfamily

Same functionalities of MP30X with an additional CLC.

12 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK256MP405 269 kb 96 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MP406 269 kb 96 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MP408 269 kb 96 kb 80
dsPIC33CK256MP410 269 kb 96 kb 100
dsPIC33CK512MP405 540 kb 96 kb 48
dsPIC33CK512MP406 540 kb 96 kb 64
dsPIC33CK512MP408 540 kb 96 kb 80
dsPIC33CK512MP410 540 kb 96 kb 100
dsPIC33CK1024MP405 1080 kb 96 kb 48
dsPIC33CK1024MP406 1080 kb 96 kb 64
dsPIC33CK1024MP408 1080 kb 96 kb 80
dsPIC33CK1024MP410 1080 kb 96 kb 100

MP50X subfamily

Same functionalities of MP20X plus one CAN FD device.

19 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK32MP502 36 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK64MP502 66 kb 8 kb 28
dsPIC33CK128MP502 134 kb 16 kb 28
dsPIC33CK256MP502 269 kb 25 kb 28
dsPIC33CK32MP503 36 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK64MP503 66 kb 8 kb 40
dsPIC33CK128MP503 134 kb 16 kb 40
dsPIC33CK256MP503 269 kb 25 kb 40
dsPIC33CK32MP505 36 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK64MP505 66 kb 8 kb 48
dsPIC33CK128MP505 134 kb 16 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MP505 269 kb 25 kb 48
dsPIC33CK32MP506 36 kb 8 kb 64
dsPIC33CK64MP506 66 kb 8 kb 64
dsPIC33CK128MP506 134 kb 16 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MP506 269 kb 25 kb 64
dsPIC33CK64MP508 66 kb 8 kb 80
dsPIC33CK128MP508 134 kb 16 kb 80
dsPIC33CK256MP508 269 kb 25 kb 80

MP60X subfamily

Same functionalities of 30X plus two CAN FD devices.

8 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK256MP605 269 kb 61 kb 48
dsPIC33CK512MP605 540 kb 61 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MP606 269 kb 61 kb 64
dsPIC33CK512MP606 540 kb 61 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MPT608 269 kb 61 kb 72
dsPIC33CK512MPT608 540 kb 61 kb 72
dsPIC33CK256MP608 269 kb 61 kb 80
dsPIC33CK512MP608 540 kb 61 kb 80

MP70X subfamily

Same functionalities of 30X plus two CAN FD devices.

12 devices

Compatible devices Program Data Pins
dsPIC33CK256MP705 269 kb 96 kb 48
dsPIC33CK256MP706 269 kb 96 kb 64
dsPIC33CK256MP708 269 kb 96 kb 80
dsPIC33CK512MP705 540 kb 96 kb 48
dsPIC33CK512MP706 540 kb 96 kb 64
dsPIC33CK512MP708 540 kb 96 kb 80
dsPIC33CK1024MP705 1080 kb 96 kb 48
dsPIC33CK1024MP706 1080 kb 96 kb 64
dsPIC33CK1024MP708 1080 kb 96 kb 80
dsPIC33CK256MP710 269 kb 96 kb 100
dsPIC33CK512MP710 540 kb 96 kb 100
dsPIC33CK1024MP710 1080 kb 96 kb 100

New set of peripherals


A new PLL block appears in this line.


Fully reviewed UART peripherals. Bits have quite similar name but not always in the same register. In addition to UxMODE and UxSTAT, we can found UxMODEH and UxSTATH. This new version adds also integrated hardware protocols handler.

Clock generation can be done from 4 differents sources of clock with a MUX and BRG have now a fractional mode.

Timer and SCCP

A surprising thing at the first view of global features of dsPIC33CH is the only one present timer. This one is quite similar to old ones. SCCP replace it.

SCCP peripherals are multi-functions. They can be one 32bits timer, two 16bits timers, an input capture, PWM or output capture.


CAN Fd module is completely different of ECAN from dsPIC33E. A complete driver write needs to be done.


PWM modules are more precises and offers more functionalities. A complete driver write needs to be done.


A new interupt on change system are available, but still compatible with old drivers.