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 * @file sysclock_pic24_dspic33.c
 * @author Sebastien CAUX (sebcaux)
 * @copyright Robotips 2016-2017
 * @copyright UniSwarm 2018-2023
 * @date April 11, 2016, 05:12 PM
 * @brief System clock support for udevkit for dsPIC33FJ, dsPIC33EP, dsPIC33EV,
 * PIC24F, PIC24FJ, PIC24EP and PIC24HJ
 * Implementation based on Microchip documents DS70186D, DS70580C, DS70005131A,
 * DS70307E and DS70216D :
 * Simple PLL devices: DS70644A

#include "sysclock.h"

#include "board.h"
#include <archi.h>

static uint32_t _sysclock_sysfreq = 0;
static uint32_t _sysclock_sosc = 0;
static uint32_t _sysclock_posc = 0;
static uint32_t _sysclock_pll = 0;

 * @brief Gets the actual frequency on a particular peripheral bus clock
 * @param busClock id of the bus clock (1 periph bus clock), 0 for sysclock
 * @return bus frequency in Hz, 1 in case of error to not cause divide by 0
uint32_t sysclock_periphFreq(SYSCLOCK_CLOCK busClock)
    if (_sysclock_sysfreq == 0)
        _sysclock_sysfreq = sysclock_sourceFreq(sysclock_source());

    if (busClock == SYSCLOCK_CLOCK_SYSCLK)
        return _sysclock_sysfreq >> 1;

    if (busClock == SYSCLOCK_CLOCK_PBCLK)
        uint16_t div = 1;
        if (CLKDIVbits.DOZEN == 1)
            div = 1 << (CLKDIVbits.DOZE);
        return (_sysclock_sysfreq >> 1) / div;
    return 1;

 * @brief Change the divisor of the busClock given as argument.
 * @param busClock id of the bus clock or ref clock (SYSCLOCK_CLOCK_REFCLK or
 * @param div divisor to set
 * @return 0 if ok, -1 in case of error
int sysclock_setClockDiv(SYSCLOCK_CLOCK busClock, uint16_t div)
    uint16_t udiv;
    if (busClock == SYSCLOCK_CLOCK_FRC)
        if (div > 256)
            return -1;
        if (div == 256)
            udiv = 8;
            for (udiv = 0; div != 0; udiv++)
                div >>= 1;
        udiv -= 1;
        CLKDIVbits.FRCDIV = udiv;
        return 0;
    if (busClock == SYSCLOCK_CLOCK_REFCLK)
        if (div > 32768)
            return -1;
            for (udiv = 0; div != 0; udiv++)
                div >>= 1;
        udiv -= 1;
        REFOCONbits.RODIV = udiv;
        return 0;
    if (busClock == SYSCLOCK_CLOCK_PBCLK)
        if (div == 1)
            CLKDIVbits.DOZEN = 0;
            if (div > 128)
                return -1;
            for (udiv = 0; div != 0; udiv++)
                div >>= 1;
            udiv -= 1;
            CLKDIVbits.DOZE = udiv;
            CLKDIVbits.DOZEN = 1;
        return 0;

    return -1;  // bad index

 * @brief Return the actual frequency of the clock source
 * @param source clock id to request
 * @return frequency of 'source' clock, 0 in case of disabled clock, -1 in case of error
int32_t sysclock_sourceFreq(SYSCLOCK_SOURCE source)
    int32_t freq = -1;
    uint16_t div;
    int32_t osctune;
    switch (source)
        case SYSCLOCK_SRC_LPRC:
            freq = 32000;  // 32kHz LPRC

        case SYSCLOCK_SRC_SOSC:
            freq = _sysclock_sosc;  // external secondary oscillator

        case SYSCLOCK_SRC_POSC:
            freq = _sysclock_posc;  // external primary oscillator

        case SYSCLOCK_SRC_PPLL:
            freq = _sysclock_pll;  // primary oscillator with PLL

        case SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC:
        case SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC16:
            osctune = OSCTUN;
            if (osctune >= 32)
                osctune = (osctune | 0xFFFFFFE0);
            freq = FRC_BASE_FREQ + osctune * OSCTUN_D;  // FRC

            if (source == SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC16)
                freq = freq / 16;  // FRC /16

            if (source == SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRCDIV)
                div = CLKDIVbits.FRCDIV;
                div = 1 << CLKDIVbits.RCDIV;
                if (div != 0b111)
                    div = 1 << div;
                    div = 256;

                freq = freq / div;  // FRC / div

            freq = _sysclock_pll;  // FRC with PLL
    return freq;

 * @brief Change a frequency of a source if it can be modified
 * @param source clock id to change
 * @return 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error
int sysclock_setSourceFreq(SYSCLOCK_SOURCE source, uint32_t freq)
    if (source == SYSCLOCK_SRC_SOSC)
        _sysclock_sosc = freq;
        return 0;
    if (source == SYSCLOCK_SRC_POSC)
        _sysclock_posc = freq;
        return 0;
    return -1;

 * @brief Return the actual clock source for system clock
 * @return SYSCLOCK_SOURCE enum corresponding to actual clock source
SYSCLOCK_SOURCE sysclock_source(void)
    return source;

 * @brief Switch the source clock of sysclock to another one and wait for the change effective
 * @param source id to switch to
 * @return 0 if ok, -1 in case of error
int sysclock_switchSourceTo(SYSCLOCK_SOURCE source)
    if (OSCCONbits.CLKLOCK == 1)
        return -1;  // Clocks and PLL are locked, source cannot be changed

    // disable interrupts

    // unlock clock config (OSCCON is write protected)
    // unlockClockConfig();

    // select the new source
    __builtin_write_OSCCONH(source);  // primariry osc input

    // trigger change
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x01);

    // relock clock config
    // lockClockConfig();

    while (OSCCONbits.OSWEN == 1)

    // enable interrupts

    if (sysclock_source() != source)
        return -3;  // Error when switch clock source

    _sysclock_sysfreq = sysclock_sourceFreq(sysclock_source());

    return 0;

 * @brief Sets the system clock of the CPU, the system clock may be different of CPU
 * clock and peripheral clock
 * @param fosc desirate system frequency in Hz
 * @return 0 if ok, -1 in case of error
int sysclock_setClock(uint32_t fosc)
    OSCTUN = 21;  // ==> Fin = 8 MHz Internal clock
    return sysclock_setPLLClock(fosc, SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC);
    return sysclock_setPLLClock(fosc, SYSCLOCK_SRC_POSC);

 * @brief Internal function to set clock with PLL from XTAL or FRC
 * @param fosc desirate system frequency in Hz
 * @param src input source clock of PLL (SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC or SYSCLOCK_SRC_POSC)
 * @return 0 if ok, -1 in case of error
int sysclock_setPLLClock(uint32_t fosc, uint8_t src)
    uint32_t fin, fplli, fsys;
    uint16_t multiplier;
    uint16_t prediv, postdiv;

    if (src != SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC && src != SYSCLOCK_SRC_POSC)
        return -4;

    if (fosc > SYSCLOCK_FOSC_MAX)
        return -1;  // cannot generate fosc > SYSCLOCK_FOSC_MAX

    if (fosc < SYSCLOCK_FSYS_MIN / 8)
        return -1;  // cannot generate fosc < SYSCLOCK_FSYS_MIN / 8

    fin = sysclock_sourceFreq(src);
    if (fin == 0)
        return -1;

    // calculate post-diviser and fsys
    postdiv = 2;
    fsys = fosc << 1;
    if (fsys < SYSCLOCK_FSYS_MIN)
        postdiv = 4;
        fsys = fosc << 2;
    if (fsys < SYSCLOCK_FSYS_MIN)
        postdiv = 8;
        fsys = fosc << 3;

#if defined(SYSCLOCK_PLL468)
    prediv = 1;
    fplli = fin;
    switch ((_CONFIG4 & 0x003C00) >> 10)
        case 0b1110:
            multiplier = 8;

        case 0b1101:
            multiplier = 6;

            multiplier = 4;
    postdiv = 1;
#elif defined(SYSCLOCK_PLL4)
    prediv = 1;
    fplli = fin;
    multiplier = 4;
    postdiv = 1;
    // calculate pre-diviser to ensure Fplli < SYSCLOCK_FPLLI_MAX
    prediv = (fin / (SYSCLOCK_FPLLI_MAX + 1)) + 1;
    if (prediv < SYSCLOCK_N1_MIN)
        prediv = SYSCLOCK_N1_MIN;
    fplli = fin / prediv;

    // calculate multiplier
    multiplier = fsys / fplli;

#    ifdef ARCHI_pic24fj
    // set post-diviser
    if (postdiv == 2)
        CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0b00;  // PLL post div = 2
    if (postdiv == 4)
        CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0b01;  // PLL post div = 4
    if (postdiv == 8)
        CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0b11;  // PLL post div = 8

    // set pre-diviser
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = prediv - 2;  // PLL pre div = 1
#    endif

    //                         (PLLFBD + 2)
    // Fosc = Fin * ----------------------------------
    //              ((PLLPRE + 2) * 2 * (PLLPOST + 1))
    PLLFBD = multiplier - 2;

    if (src == SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRC)
        __builtin_write_OSCCONH(SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRCPLL);  // frc input
        __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x01);
        // Wait for Clock switch to occur
        while (OSCCONbits.COSC != SYSCLOCK_SRC_FRCPLL)
        __builtin_write_OSCCONH(SYSCLOCK_SRC_PPLL);  // primary osc input
        __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x01);
        // Wait for Clock switch to occur
        while (OSCCONbits.COSC != SYSCLOCK_SRC_PPLL)

    // Wait for PLL to lock
    while (OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1)

    _sysclock_pll = fplli * multiplier / postdiv;
    _sysclock_sysfreq = _sysclock_pll;  // Complete this

    return 0;